Mathematical Methods in Chemical Engineering (ChE 2410)
Fall 2015
The objective of this course is to learn mathematical methods used in chemical engineering -- primarily those dealing with solving differential equations. By the end of the course students should be able to apply these methods to tackle the kinds of problems that appear in chemical engineering research.
Course information
- Syllabus (Click to download)
- Tuesdays, 4:30-7:00PM
- 309 Benedum Hall
- Prof. Wilmer's office hours: Wed. 10am-11am, Thu. 1pm-2pm
Supplemental reference material:
- Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods, By: Alvin Bayliss (Click to download)
- Paul's Online Math Notes: Differeential Equations, By: Paul Dawkins (Free e-textbook on differential equations in the "downloads" section)
Nov. 6th, 2015: The midterm solutions are available here. If you have any questions about the solutions, please email me.
Oct. 31st, 2015: Fourth homework assignment has been posted. Please see below.
Oct. 9th, 2015: Third homework assignment has been posted. Please see below.
Oct. 4th, 2015: The Lecture #5 Jupyter notebook we wrote at the end of last class is available for download here. There were some questions about this notebook that we will go over in class this Tuesday. Also, solutions to the first homework assignment are posted now. Please see below.
Sept. 25th, 2015: The Jupyter notebook we wrote in class implementing various numerical schemes is available for download here. Note that there is no code for Lax-Wendroff because you were asked to do that on your own in class. Also, the second homework assignment is posted now. Please see below.
Sept. 15th, 2015: The SymPy Jupyter notebook we wrote in class is available for download here. There are many great tutorials on SymPy out on the Internet. To get started, I recommend this Youtube video:
Sept. 11th, 2015: First homework assignment is out (see below)! Some of the questions you should be able to solve right away. Other questions will require material that we will go over in the next class. If you really want to try and finish the entire assignment this weekend, you will need to consult the first 10-20 pages of the Numerical Methods course notes (available for download on this page).
Sept. 5th, 2015: Remember to bring your laptop to the next class. We will be writing short programs to solve differential equations. We will be using Python and Jupyter notebooks, which are free, open source, and increasingly the tool-of-choice for scientific/mathematical programming across academia and industry. Basic installation instructions are given below:
- Install Miniconda
- Install Jupyter by typing (in your terminal/powershell/command-prompt):
conda install jupyter
- Run a Jupyter notebook by typing:
jupyter notebook
- If your browser opens and shows a Jupyter interface, you're done! Otherwise you might have to troubleshoot.
*Note*: If you would prefer to use MATLAB/Mathematica or some other tool you are more familiar with, that is fine. However, I will doing examples in class using Python and Jupyter, and I will not be able to help you debug your code if you use your own tool.
Sept. 1st, 2015: Welcome to the first day of class!
Homework assignments
- HW1 (Click to download) (Solutions)
- HW2 (Click to download) (Solutions)
- HW3 (Click to download) (Solutions)
- HW4 (Click to download) (Solutions)
- HW5 (Click to download)(Solutions)
- Midterm (Click to download) (Solutions)
- Final exam (Not yet assigned)