Current and Past Collaborators

Prof. Omar K. Farha
Northwestern University
Keywords: Experimental, synthesis and design of MOFs, porous-organic polymers, catalysis, gas storage, gas separations, sensing and light harvesting.

Prof. J. Karl Johnson
University of Pittsburgh
Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Theory and molecular modeling, nanoporous materials, proton transport, CO2 capture, CO2 conversion, hydrogen storage, surface mediated reactions.

Prof. Geoff Hutchison
University of Pittsburgh
Keywords: Theory and molecular modeling, software development, creator of Avogadro.

Prof. Nathaniel Rosi
University of Pittsburgh
Keywords: Experimental, synthesis and design of MOFs, hybrid inorganic-organic materials, nanoparticle assembly, materials for sustainable energy.

Prof. Alán Aspuru-Guzik
Harvard University
Keywords: Theoretical physical chemistry and methods development, quantum computation, quantum information, batteries, light harvesting materials, clean energy.

Dr. Janice Steckel
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Keywords: Computational chemistry and methods development, CO2 capture, force field development.

Dr. Amy A. Sarjeant
Northwestern University
X-Ray Crystallography
Keywords: NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy, trace metals analysis and single crystal X-Ray crystallography.

Prof. Rachel B. Getman
Clemson University
Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Quantum and classical chemical modeling, chemical reaction pathways on solid catalysts, high throughput screening.

Prof. Jeremiah Gassensmith
University of Texas at Dallas
Keywords: Experimental, biologically inspired viral capsids, new materials, noncovalent forces, unique scaffolds.

Prof. Michael L. Greenfield
University of Rhode Island
Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Molecular simulation and modeling, polymers and other complicated fluids of industrial interest.

Prof. Toan V. Phan
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Keywords: International macroeconomics, effects of political and environmental crises. (Pictured with Prof Muhammad Yunus [left], Nobel Peace Laureate 2006.)

Prof. Chad A. Mirkin
Northwestern University
Keywords: Experimental, nano-optical methods for controlling the architecture of molecules and materials, medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and material science.

Prof. Fraser Stoddart
Northwestern University
Keywords: Experimental, molecular recognition and self-assembly processes, synthesis of functionalized and mechanized molecules, integrated nanosystems.

Dr. David Dubbeldam
University of Amsterdam
Van't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences
Keywords: Molecular simulations, software development of computational tools, adsorption, grand canonical Monte Carlo.

Prof. Taner Yildirim
NIST Center for Neutron Research
Materials Science & Engineering
Keywords: Experimental and theoretical characterization, structural, magnetic, and transport properties of novel materials, first-principles computatations, neutron scattering and other measurements.

Prof. Kyle J. M. Bishop
Pennsylvania State University
Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Experimental and classical modeling, design of self-assemblign structures, methods to direct physicochemical processes, self-organization in nonequilibrium systems.

Prof. Ron A. Smaldone
University of Texas at Dallas
Keywords: Experimental, organic synthesis and materials chemistry, novel porous materials, clean energy, gas storage and separation, generating complex chemical structures from simple components.

Prof. Youn-Sang Bae
Yonsei University
Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Molecular simulations and modeling, CO2 capture, natural gas storage and purification, chemical sensing, catalysis, MOFs, porous organic polymers, mesoporous materials, and zeolites.

Patrick Fuller
NuMat Technologies
Chief Technologist - Computational
Keywords: Software development, Python, cloud computing, big data.

Dr. Ross Forgan
University of Glasgow
Keywords: Experimental, MOFs, biomimetic catalysis, and drug delivery.

Prof. Randall Q. Snurr
Northwestern University
Chemical Engineering
Keywords: Simulations and modeling, new computational tools, gas storage and separation, catalysis, MOFs, zeolites.

Prof. SonBinh T. Nguyen
Northwestern University
Keywords: Experimental, delivery of therapeutic agents, improved disease detection technologies, catalysis, rational design of MOFs, post-synthesis modification.

Dr. David A. Walker
Northwestern University
Keywords: Experimental, self-assembly, variously shaped nanoparticles, nanoscale forces.

Dr. Stoyan Smoukov
Cambridge University
Materials Science & Metallurgy
Keywords: Research is focused on materials solutions to the two flip sides of the energy problem. Understanding the mechanisms and improving efficiency, on the energy production side, is a well-recognized necessity and one we are pursuing.

Prof. Tom Woo
University of Ottawa
Keywords: Computational chemistry, CO2 capture and storage, clean energy technologies, catalysis.

Prof. Joseph T. Hupp
Northwestern University
Keywords: Experimental, interdisciplinary, physical, inorganic, materials and organic chemistry, materials for alternative energy applications and other environmental issues.